写好英语作文的10个简单原则 不被内容迷惑
发布:学校部 浏览:3108 次 时间:2019-09-11


Have you ever stopped and thought about the quality of your writing? Are you sure it’s considered to be good writing? Are you getting the right message across, or are your readers confused as to what you’re trying to accomplish?

1. Express, not impress.


Good writing is not about the number of words you’ve produced, the quality of the adjectives you’ve written or the size of your font–it’s about the number of lives you’ve touched! It’s whether or not your reader understands you. It’s about expression, not impression.


2. Simple sentences work best.



- The only possible option in order to accelerate the growth of the food industry is to focus on the fact that the target market of this business demands convenience, competence and cost-effectiveness.


- Better: The food industry can grow faster if food trucks focus on convenience, competence and cost-effectiveness.


3. Active, rather than passive.



- The offering price was established by the real estate vendor and the negotiation process was initiated by the real estate buyer.


- Better: The real estate vendor set the offering price, and the real estate buyer started negotiating.


4. Know who your target audience is.


Who are you writing for? Who do you expect to read your article, your book, or your blog post? Will they care about what you’re talking about? Will they understand the message that you’re trying to get across? Good writing isn’t generic; it’s specific because it’s targeted towards a group of people with something common binding them.


5. Read it aloud.


Reading your works out loud allows you to notice something that you might not have noticed if you were just reading it silently. Go on, read them out loud now. Also, try to listen to your work objectively as you read it. Are you making sense? Or are you simply stringing a couple of words together just to fill a gap?


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